Julie Maguire
Small/Medium Enterprises representative, MC Member
Bantry Marine Research Station
Julie Maguire was awarded her PhD from UCC in 1998. She is currently the Research Director of Bantry Marine Research Station a position she has held since 2005. As Director since the company’s inception she has managed all the Stations research projects and disseminated the outputs from them. Her main interests lie in climate change mitigation particularly by using seaweed. Her main research efforts and subsequent international projects are in; micro- and macroalgal cultivation and Integrated Multi Trophic Aquaculture (MABFUEL, NETALGAE, BIFF, ACCIPHOT, IDREEM, ECOFISH, SEAFOOD-AGE, Agrefine, Farm4More, EATFISH, ULTFARMS), and the extraction and quantification of bioactive compounds and bioplastics (SEABIOPLAS, IMPRESS, SEACHEM, VALIAS), research to improve products and services such as zero waste and traceability (ORION, LABELFISH, SEATRACES, BIOTECMAR), forecasting and monitoring (ASIMUTH, OSS2015, SAFI, AtlantOS, C-TEP, PRIMROSE, Co-Clime, Nanoculture, HISEA), and also fish diet challenge trials (ODIN, AquaTech4Feed). Some highlights from her career include she was awarded the Copernicus Masters Award for “Best service for European citizens” for her work on forecasting Harmful Algal Blooms in 2013 and in 2018 she gave a presentation at the European Parliament “Exploring the Use of Seaweed-Derived Biopolymers in Biomedical Technology”. She has >35 peer reviewed publications and 2 best practice guidelines for seaweed harvesting in Europe and mussel fisheries management. She has also co-ordinated 6 European Commission funded multi-partner projects.