Julie Maguire (SMEs representative)
The study of Chemical Ecology has many benefits for industry. The compounds found in nature have evolved over the millennia to overcome various challenges. Some of these natural compounds have been commercialised for use in the pharmaceutical, cosmeceutical, nutraceutical and agricultural industries to name but a few. The discovery of bio-actives for new applications is increasing all the time. Therefore, it is advisable for any company involved in the bioeconomy to keep abreast of the latest developments in this area.
Sometimes, as company, it is difficult to focus on anything other than the business of production, processing, sales and profit margins. It is hard to find the time to think outside the box. However, through this interdisciplinary topic it will help you to understand why and how natural products function and present the bigger picture. It may give you your next big idea or solve a problem you currently have. Therefore, we encourage bio-based companies large or small to join and reap the benefits from the collective knowledge that E-NICHE brings.
The SMEs already part of E-NICHE include:
Dominique Barry-Etienne, MYCEA, Montpellier, France (
Bernard Blérot, Laboratoire Monique Remy (LMR), Grasse – France, by International Flavors and Fragrances (IFF) USA (
Emmanouela Dermitzaki, VIORYL Chemical and Agricultural Industry, Research S.A (
Ene Leppik, Agriodor, Rennes, France (

Julie Maguire
Bantry Marine Research Station
Vahideh Rabani, AMIROY (
Anna Soler, Irish Seaweed Consultancy Ltd – Ireland (
Shams Usmani, M2I Life science – France (