The MC2 began at 9:00 in the morning with a presentation of the attending participants. At the MC2 were also present members of the Core Group (CG) not being members of the MC, the others being MC members and the observer from South Africa. The meeting continued with the presentations prepared by the different members of the CG present: First, the Chair and vice-Chair, followed by the Grant Holder (GH) Manager with the GH scientific representative, the different leaders of the four WGs, then by the different coordinators and representatives present (the Grant Awarding Coordinator, the two YRIs and SMEs representatives.

The final slide was to announce the organization in 2025 in Portugal of a big 3-days meeting including the MC3 and the WG meetings to have a maximum of E-NICHE members from the different WG all together to meet, present their work and discuss. This big meeting will be organized in the last week of June 2025 in the city of Evora (close to Lisbon). Please note already the date in your agendas.