E-NICHE Newsletter Spring 2024 

 E-NICHE Newsletter Spring 2024 

 In this newsletter 

  • Website launched 
  • First annual meetings completed 
  • July workshops coming up 
  • Grants and STSMs available 
  • Your input on job ads and other resources is needed 

E-NICHE Website is online! 

We are proud to announce that our website has recently been launched. Please visit our website at www.e-niche.eu. Do you have any suggestions for things to put on the website, for example links to put on the networking page (Networks)? Please contact us at website@e-niche.eu 

First annual meeting for all working groups 

All working groups had their first annual meetings in February and March. We were very happy with the turn-out and participation during the meetings. The meetings have given us a lot of inspiration for designing the website, developing a Pan-European chemical ecology database, and organizing upcoming events, such as the workshops for WG2 and WG4 in July. We look forward to your ongoing involvement in these workshops and other E-NICHE events. 

July workshops and meetings coming up 

There will be two workshops and a MC meeting coming up in July, all planned in Prague during the week preceding the International Society for Chemical Ecology meeting. Working group 4 will have a workshop on July 12th 2024 on science communication through social media. The next day, July 13th, WG 2 will have a workshop aiming to explore CE methods to control pests and parasites, and to exchange emerging ideas on sustainable pest control in animal husbandry and breeding, agriculture, forestry, and aquaculture. See below for a preliminary agenda for both WGs, but keep an eye on the website (E-NICHE Meetings) for more details that will follow later. 

On July 14th, the management committee will meet in the presence of the members of the Core Group. The MC meeting is during the morning, but for those interested, we have arranged a room where you can stay around in the afternoon to meet and discuss and, for those attending the ISCE meeting, until the ISCE opening later that evening. 

Preliminary agenda WG4 workshop, 12th of July 
13:00 – 14:30 plenary talk and discussion | 14:30-15:00 break | 15:00 – 17:00 rotating communication activities 

Preliminary agenda WG2 workshop, 13th of July 
9:00-13:00 General introduction, presentations and discussion / 14:00-18:00 presentations, general discussion and concluding remarks

Grants available 

  1. We would like to remind you that we allocated a budget for two conference grants to Young Researchers (YRIs) from Inclusiveness Target Countries (ITC) totaling €2,000 each, to facilitate their participation in the ISCE annual meeting in Prague (Europe) this year. This decision is significant as it marks the only opportunity within the four-year duration of the E-NICHE to attend an ISCE meeting in Europe. See the attached file and also this post. Deadline is end of May. 
  2. We can accommodate one more application for a Short-Term Scientific Mission (STSM). We would like to encourage young researchers and innovators who would like to spend some time in one of our consortium’s laboratories, but we do not exclude highly motivated applications from more experienced researchers. Please fill in the form found in the E-NICHE eCOST site dedicated to Grant applications for STSM as fully as possible (see attached file). The applicant will need to upload additional supporting documentation such as the application template we prepared and mandatory documents listed (Grants). This will help us to select the applications we feel will be of most benefit to our community, the applicant’s team and the host team. The successful applicant is eligible for a maximum reimbursement of €3,500. As indicated in the COST rules, this grant can be spent on travelling, accommodation, and subsistence expenses, implementation of the project, delivery of the report to the COST Action MC and overall effort. For further information, please consult the Annotated Rules for COST Action. STSMs must be implemented before September for budget closing purpose. 

Please check the website for future grant opportunities as well as for information on the possibility to partake in more Short-Term Scientific Missions funded by E-Niche. 

Job opportunities 

In future newsletters, we would like to communicate open job opportunities within our network. Do you have a position in your lab advertised? Please send us the information or link to the vacancy at newsletter@e-niche.eu

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