Short Terms Scientific Missions are exchange visits aimed at supporting individual mobility, strengthening existing networks and fostering collaboration between researchers. The aim of an STSM as defined by COST Annotated Rules is to contribute to the scientific objectives of the COST Action.
STSM application procedure
Download the E-NICHE STSM Grant application form here.
Also, please include all of the following supporting informations:
- Invitation/Agreement Letter: A letter signed by a senior researcher affiliated to the host institution detailing the aim, starting date, and duration of the STSM.
- Letter of Support: A letter signed by a senior researcher from the home institution confirming the STSM and its aim.
- Motivation Letter from the applicant: A letter summarizing the main scientific goals and need for the STSM, as well as its relevance for the applicant, home/host institutions.
- Applicant’s CV: A full CV including a list of academic publications (English).
- Full curriculum vitae of the head of the research group in the host institution.
Application link to our COST Action grants is here.
Please do not hesitate to contact the Action Chair or the Grant Awarding Coordinator in case you need help.
Important Notes for the 2 first STSM grants:
- The amount of each STSM grant will be a maximum of 2,000 euros.
- An applicant must have a profile on the e-COST platform.
- You should read the Grant Awarding User Guide you will find also here prior to your submission.
- There must be a clear relationship between our action objectives and your activities mentioned in the application form.
- Applications will end on April 4, 2025.
- Announcement of results will be announced at the latest end of April.
- Final report should be sent rapidly after the end of the STSM.